Can You Hide Tummy Tuck Scars? Scar Management Tips

May 22nd, 2020 by

Can You Hide Tummy Tuck Scars? Scar Management Tips

Achieving a flat tummy after tummy tuck surgery, calls for some level of sacrifice- something has to give. In the case of the Abdominoplasty procedure (the scientific name for tummy tuck surgery), you will end up with scars. While the wounds can never diminish completely, there exist methods that can change its appearance by giving them less visible color, texture, and extent on your skin- they make scars less visible in the end.

Many patients, especially women, grapple with the idea of hiding the prominent scars. This fear and anxiety lead them to try many different “remedies”- a practice that is not recommendable. The safer option, according to experts, is to ask your doctor for products that you can use to manage the scars, or to discuss with them before surgery where you want scarring to be, and how long they should be.

Are the Methods Practical?

It is not a one-time event to hide surgery scars. The nature of the wound itself is a determining factor, and so is the way you look after it. Some elements, though, are beyond your effort, and they border on sheer luck as seen here.

Avoid Full Surgery Procedure if Not Necessary

You may want to do just a minor procedure to minimize the possibility of incurring more extensive scars. Before you decide to undergo surgery, make an effort to discuss with your doctor what the most appropriate technique would be for your particular case. You can discuss mini tummy tuck in Naples, FL, this method does not leave long scars- they may not even be visible beyond the undergarments.

However, mini tummy tucks are suitable for patients with relatively little fat to remove. As the name suggests, they improve only a small (mini) skin area. Surgeons in FL, use this technique alongside liposuction to help eliminate fat around the thigh area. If you are lucky, and only require a minor procedure, you can be sure that this method can help hide tummy tucks scars.

Use Silicone Gel on Scars

Health experts have recommended the use of silicone gel in treating severe scars. According to a research published by Neerja Puri and Ashutosh Talwar, this gel has proved itself very efficient in diminishing scars.

  • Silicone gel acts on the scars to minimize itchiness- you do not scratch them so much, and as a result, you allow the wounds to heal. Scratching has a resultant effect of prolonging the healing process due to disturbance. Scars that improve in time are closer to concealment than those that have not yet healed.
  • It softens scars due to its moisturizing effects on the skin. Hydrated scarred areas tend to be as flat as the rest of the skin.
  • The gel keeps scars safe from attacks, which emanate from the multiplication of bacteria- this, in effect, helps the wound to heal faster.

The downside of using the silicone gel is arguably, its demanding schedule. You require about three months for it to treat only 4 inches of scar with daily applications. For more prominent scars, it takes longer.

Use Vitamin E Oil

If appropriately used, pure vitamin E oil keeps scars moisturized all the time and generally improves how they look. Research shows that the use of vitamin E on surgical scars helped prevent the multiplication effect of scary tissue above the existing ones.

Further, Vitamin E is ingestible in the form of a variety of nuts and grain foods. This way, it stimulates the multiplication of red blood platelets, which maintain a stable balance of blood oxygen. The balanced distribution of oxygen to all body organs accelerates the healing process.

Apply Sunscreen to Avoid Tanning

Scar skin is light, compared to the surrounding skin. If you overexpose it to the sun, it will become darker hence more challenging to hide. The problem with this tanning is the tendency to become irreversible.

There is no reason why you should be scared of moving out during summer due to fear of scar tanning when you can apply sunscreen to protect the delicate area. Various experts advise on using scar-specific sunscreen daily. The minimum suitable is sunscreen with SPF30 upwards.

Observe Scars for Any Infection

If the scars are infected, the new infection disrupts the healing process- the disruptions have the potential of making them bigger and uglier than before. Closer monitoring of the healing process is critical. You will be able to notice any abnormality, and you can promptly report it to your surgeon. He/ she will refer you to a qualified dermatologist who will help you regain a healthy look on the scar. Look out in particular for signs of re-infection such as bumps, or reddish color appearance.

Use Clothing to Hide Your Scar

The ability to hide scars successfully using clothes varies from person to person. It also depends on the nature of the incision, whether or not it was a major or minor procedure. You may be lucky to have a horizontal incision- you can hide this entirely beneath your bikini as you walk around the beach with confidence.

The Bottom Line

Your level of success in hiding scars that emanate from tummy tuck surgery largely depends on you, if all other factors remain constant. You can manage to conceal them by to the extent of blending with the skin around, but only after a process that requires patience and discipline in trying to do the right thing. Some of the suggested methods require the assistance of your surgery team, but others like the use of concealing clothes are just applicable as the need arises.